포항공대 김범준 교수님

Principal Investigator

Bumjoon (BJ) Kim
Associate Director
Center for Artificial Low Dimensional Electronic Systems, Institute for Basic Science
Full Professor
Department of Physics, Pohang University of Science and Technology



Post-Doctoral Researchers

Junyoung Kwon   |   Postdoctoral Research Associates

I joined SSSG as a postdoctoral research fellow in March 2021. I completed my PhD in 2021 at the Seoul National University. During the doctoral period, I specialized the electronic structure analysis techniques with ARPES measurement on the 4d, 5d transition metal oxide systems, and the single-crystal growth techniques with flux method, floating-zone methods. Currently, I am focusing on developing new techniques to grow the single crystal 5d transition metal oxide systems in SSSG. Furthermore, I will participate in the projects of X-ray diffraction and spectroscopy to explore the nature of spin-orbit coupling and magnetic interactions in the 5d systems.


Graduate Students

Gwansuk Oh   |   Ph.D Candidate

I am a graduate student in the department of physics. I joined Prof. Kim’s group in the spring of 2018 after completing my bachelor’s degree at Pohang University of Science and technology. My current research project focuses on developing a new synthesis technique for transition-metal oxides which will help to improve stabilizing exotic magnetic structures in these materials.


Seung-Hyeok Ha   |   Ph.D Candidate

I am a graduate student in the department of physcis. I received my bachelor’s degree in phsics from POSTECH in 2019 and joined BJ’s group in the summer of 2019. I mainly study a system with strong spin-orbit coupling such as iridates to determine the structure and probe phase transition. Currently, I am developing and utilizeing the thermal diffuse scattering (TDS) and participating in the Metaljet X-ray setup.


Kwangrae Kim   |   Ph.D Candidate

I am studying as a graduate student in the department of physics at POSTECH. I completed my B.S. degree in Physics at POSTECH and joined BJ Kim’s group in 2019. My research interest is understanding of various phenomena such as exotic phases driven by symmetries and orderings in solids, which frequently appear in systems with strong electron correlation, spin-orbit coupling, and so on. I am working on inelastic light scattering experiments (Raman spectroscopy) and synthesizing samples including pyrochlore iridates. Also, I will participate in developing non-linear optical spectroscopy using femto-second laser.


Hyun-Woo J. Kim   |   Ph.D Candidate

I am a graduate student in the department of physics. I joined BJ’s group in the fall of 2019, after receiving my Bachelor’s degree in physics from the same university, Pohang University Of Science and Technology. I am interested in Thermal Diffuse Scattering(TDS) theory which has reemerged as an efficient probe for phonon studies in the recent decade. We expect TDS to be an effective tool analyzing the data from both synchrotron experiments and the home-lab source.


Jihoon Seol   |   Ph.D Candidate

My research topic covers strongly correlated electron systems, whose strong spin-orbit interaction leads to unique magnetic properties. They are investigated mainly by non-linear optical techniques, such as second-harmonic generation, highly sensitive to changes in the crystallographic and electronic symmetry. I’m also interested in the single crystal growth of transition metal oxides using chemical vapor deposition method.


Jaehwon Kim   |   Ph.D Candidate

I am studying as a graduate student in the department of physics at POSTECH. I joined SSSG group in the spring of 2022 after completing my bachelor’s degree in Physics. I am interested in exotic quantum phenomena of transition metal oxides. My current research project focuses on the development of synthesis technique for quantum materials that exhibit exotic phases. I am also involved in investigating these phases by probing their symmetries and orderings through resonant X-ray diffraction and symmetry analysis.


Junhyuk Park   |   Ph.D Candidate

I am a graduate student in the department of physics and I joined Prof. Kim’s group at 2023. I mainly participate on Raman spectroscopy. My research interest is effects of external stress/external field on Mott insulator. Currently, I am working on developing optical experiment setup with variable external strain.



Jimin Kwak   |   Ph.D Candidate

I am a graduate student in the Department of Physics at POSTECH and joined the SSSG in the fall of 2024. My research interested is understanding of various physical phenomena and dynamics in strongly correlated electron systems, such as Mott insulators and unconventional superconductors. I am currently conducting X-ray scattering spectroscopy at the synchrotron and linear accelerator and synthesizing single-crystal samples, including iridates and nickelates.



Undergraduate Students

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We want you!








Jin-Kwang Kim   

|   Ph.D





Hoon Kim   

|   Ph.D.

@ Caltech


Jimin Kim  

|   Senior Researcher






Christopher Dietl 

|  Post-Doctorate Fellow

@ Carl Zeiss





Jooseop Lee  

|  IBS Research Professor

@ Hongik Univ.



HaRyung Lee

|  M.S.

@ Samsung Electronics